
In The Black: Who is paying their fair share?

Are the corporates paying their tax dues? Our average Joe and Josephines are forking out for nearly 50 per cent of the ATO’s total tax haul. What do the business giants put back into government coffers and are they taking social responsibility seriously? I investigated the tax system for In The Black a couple of years ago. With the current chat on tax reform again it’s worth revisiting.


In The Black: Creation theory

So accountants are boring, huh? Creatives and advertising types are so much more interesting and stories about boring accountants are a cliché. Arguably the most creative person in advertising is an accountant. As I said in In The Black a couple of months ago.


In The Black: For love not money

With donor dollars drying up the business of being a not-for-profit organisation is tougher than ever. Financial accountability is increasingly demanded of the sector as government, corporate hawks and donors seek to know where the spare change goes. On top of all that, there’s the Charities Bill. I investigatedwhether this proposed Bill will actually gag the sector for In The Black in August 2004.