Eat streets

Where to eat on Melbourne’s and Australia’s famous eat streets.

Eat streets

We are not f**dies

I’m not alone: From Chocolate & Zuchinni: “At this point, I feel compelled to state that I am vehemently opposed to the use of the term foodie, a word that makes me cringe so deeply my fingers refuse to type this combination of letters and I have to copy-paste it.”

Eat streets

Tuesday cheese porn

Oh yes, bring on the runny Camembert LaClarines and stinky blue Roquefort. As steve says below it’s a bit like vacherin although a bit more creamy. Somebody sold me this while using Camerbert in the same breath. Hmmmm.

Eat streets

A new smell?

The freshness of oxygen, nail polish, flash of metal, cellulosic smell, pure air of the high mountains, sand dunes, fire energy, ultimate fusion, washing drying in the wind, burnt rubber, mineral intensity of carbon, flaming rock. What on earth am I? I couldn’t resist.

Eat streets

Art flow chart

Photo pinched from Lost at E Minor. Sorry.  I just couldn’t resist this, found via Lost at E Minor, for the wall of the Tomato offices. It’s a limited edition print from UK designer Jamie Wieck. He says: “This menu design grew out of my hatred for the number of rules eateries impose on their customers. Using the East London restaurant Bistrotheque as a foundation I rationalised all the reasons why someone would go to a restaurant. By taking into […]

Eat streets

Everything you needed to know about cooking beef (but were afraid to ask Heston Blumenthal)

…or experiments in molecular gastronomy parts 2 and 3 He’s a tricky one to have in the kitchen our Heston Blumenthal. Everything is very technical, usually takes about two days to prepare and I’m too scared to argue with him about any of his techniques. I’m even having trouble finding some of the stuff he uses like his stainless steel injection baster. I feel that I really need to work up to his recipes. To do this I’ve recruited a […]

Books, Cooking, Eat streets

The future of food and fascism

The future of cooking: In the kitchen at Interlude  A couple of weeks ago I spent the afternoon in the kitchen of Robin Wickens and his chefs at Interlude. He was developing a new lamb dish which involved spraying coffee in the air while eating it (you may recall later that night I sucked on the glass straw). This weekend my account of that afternoon and subsequent meal was published in The Australian. Local chef George Biron points me towards […]

Eat streets

The great anchovy debate

Spot the Ortiz anchovy Jak simply asked the deli for a tin of anchovies. Dumbfounded by the cost she paid the extra $15.75 and brought them home slightly perplexed. I was mildly interested having been following the debate between Neil and Rebecca on the expense and finer points of Ortiz anchovies. What amazes me about these beasts is that the cost of a tin in the market can vary by over $2 – that’s almost the cost of a regular […]

Eat streets

Vegout open day

There’s food, booze – the lot – at Veg Out in St Kilda this Sunday (29 October from 11am) which is holding it’s annual open day. I’ll be doing my best Gordon Ramsay impression on the BBQ between 2.00 and 3.00. And if you want anything too fancy you can fuck off. Actually, I’d really like to seize control of the wood-fired pizza oven but that’s another story. You’ll be able to stroll around the gardens and the borders admiring […]