Follow your nose to Neal’s Yard Dairy


And you might well follow your nose to my mum’s house where you’ll sometimes find a Stinking Bishop in the corner of her garden. She’ll let it into the house when we are eating but otherwise the smelly and runny cheese from Gloucestershire isn’t welcome near the house.

I actually looked for the Neal’s yard dairy in Neal’s Yard, Covent Garden. Of course there are only healthy restaurants and shops that sell beads there. It was only on the way out from the yard that I smelt the shop and found my way in there.

It sells over 60 English cheeses depending on how many cheese makers can be bothered to make their cheese, rather than appear on TV, that week. You can also buy seasonal apples, eccles cakes and other goodies.

Just to be peverse I’m only eating unpasteurized cheese at the moment simply because, apart from Roquefort and Grana Parmiagiano, you can’t get it in Australia.


Between Neal’s yard, the stall at Saffron Walden market and Paxton and Whitfield on Jermyn St I’ve been eating well this cheesewise week.